2 April 2024 - Many residents, stakeholders and business owners from Petaling Jaya and Bandar Kinrara remain resolutely against the PJD Link tolled, elevated highway project.
This was declared by a group of representatives from residents associations, joint management bodies, management corporations, resistance groups and commercial entities from Petaling Jaya and Bandar Kinrara at a Press Briefing session today. Delegates came from Bandar Utama, Damansara Jaya SS22, Damansara Kim SS20, Sek 19, Sek 17, SS2, Five Stones Condominium, The Hub SS2, Sek 14, Sek 20, Sek 22, Sek 51 and Sek 4 in Petaling Jaya. Others from Vista Lavender Apartments and Bandar Kinrara, as well as some PJ commercial entities, the alumni association of a school located smack in the path of the proposed highway, and committee members of the Say No To PJD Link group and Persatuan Petaling Jaya Lestari were also present. David Yoong, chairman of ScRAP (Stakeholders cum Residents Against PJD Link), said these voices reflect the sentiments of well over 300,000 residents and stakeholders in the affected areas, who reject the proposed highway because it passes intrusively through many developed areas but offers little connectivity due to its toll-centric limitations, does not connect to public train stations, and inflicts irreparable social, environmental and economic damages to the settings of mature urban landscapes. Referring to a summary list of survey engagements, Yoong reiterated that residents and stakeholders from within the zone of influence (500 m to the left and right) of the PJD Link highway alignment have spent time and incurred resources to engage with the SIA consultant hired by the highway developer in Focused Group Discussions, from December 2022 to March 2023. The findings revealed 83% of the respondents were against the project. In addition, the people of Petaling Jaya conducted a parallel independent survey, which showed 93.6% of the respondents in an online poll strongly objected against the highway. Yoong says the people are eager to view the final SIA report which was approved in November 2023, after earlier reports in July said it was initially ‘not satisfactory and did not meet certain conditions set by the Selangor state government’. “We need to know the methodology and understand the rationale employed by PJD Link Sdn Bhd and the SIA consultant to come up with their public opinion survey figures shared recently with some residents in Petaling Jaya, which showed over 54.3% of household respondents supported the project.” “These figures are totally contradictory to the views of the people in Petaling Jaya and Kinrara, and may have led the Selangor state government to announce that ‘almost 50% of those opposed to the project are residents of Petaling Jaya’, and that ‘residents in Kinrara wanted the highway’ ”. On the support for the highway shown by the residents from Taman Medan, Yoong says their views should be respected. “As good neighbours, we understand their localized congestion issues. What they need are multiple links from Petaling Jaya and NPE to bypass their neighbourhood roads to access KESAS.” Yoong rationalizes that this may be achieved by short flyovers from say the end of Jalan Penchala at Sek 2 to pass over and above NPE to reach KESAS. “These solutions are cheaper, may be built more speedily, and most importantly, offer toll-free access. One does not need to build a highway that transcends an entire city to resolve localized congestion problems”, Yoong added. Yoong has also heard similar grouses from residents along Jalan Gasing, in Sek 6 and Sek 5, Petaling Jaya. Using the same approach, Yoong showed several graphics and diagrams which illustrate proposals to ease smooth flow of traffic along Jalan Templer, all the way from the Jalan Selangor roundabout to the T-junction with Old Klang Road. “Combinations of flyovers, an underpass and an overhead U-turn bridge are sufficient to relieve the many jams which happen daily during peak hours along Jalan Templer, and the roads which connect to it, including Jalan Selangor, Jalan Gasing and Jalan Othman. Most critically, these are all toll-free short span solutions.” Yoong admonishes the state government and the local councils to engage with the people whose interests they are supposed to serve, and not unnecessarily burden road users with more tolls. “Show you love and care for the city and its people that you are managing. The short-span localized solutions are cheaper and more efficient. They may be built with effective financing means, employing open competitive tenders, not privatized negotiations with undisclosed terms.” At the Press briefing session, Tuan Syed Mohd Taufik from Bandar Utama commented on the limitations of existing highways to disperse traffic, saying that their township is already bound on both sides by Sprint and LDP, and PJD Link with its poor connectivity is not going to help ease their problems. Encik Selve Sugumaran from Sek 14 urges the governments and authorities to come forward to explain what they see as benefits of the proposed highway to the public. “The PJD Link concession agreement was reportedly given to a foreign bank for loan financing, hence the argument of national security breach does not hold water. Apart from this, the EIA, TIA and SIA reports must be revealed to the people if this project truly serves their interests,” Selve remarked. Many others present expressed their desires for improved public transport facilities, including first and last mile connectivity, and other green modes of mobility like cycling lanes and pedestrian walkways. The briefing session ended with Yoong showing another alternative highway route which circumvents Petaling Jaya city. “If the government and authorities insist on building a privatized tolled highway, then use this outer-ring road concept which runs elevated over other existing highways like NKVE and Federal Highway, but still connects from the start to end points of PJD Link”, Yoong said, adding that the people remain in principle against negotiated public infrastructure projects without disclosure of terms and costs. For more information contact [email protected]
The People of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara Demand Firm and Total Stop to the PJ Dispersal Link11/27/2023
Above: Video article by Malaysian Insight
Below: Press statement by ScRAP (Stakeholders cum Residents Against PJD Link) Date: 25 November, 2023 Title: The People of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara Demand Firm and Total Stop to the PJ Dispersal Link The residents of Petaling Jaya have conducted recent checks, which included enquiries at PLANMalaysia, and established that the highway developer and concessionaire has in recent times re-submitted a Social Impact Assessment report, which was last said to have ‘failed to meet requirements’, and then led the Menteri Besar Selangor, Dato’ Seri Amirudin Shari, to scrap the project, as he announced on 31 July, 2023. The residents and stakeholders of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara wish to remind the Menteri Besar that respondents to 27 out of 31 Focused Group Discussions conducted by the developer’s SIA consultants between Dec, 2022 and Mar, 2023 have objected to the urban, tolled elevated highway. The Petaling Jaya People’s Independent Survey endorsed by 17 Residents Associations / JMBs / MCs / NGOs and Pn Maria Chin (former P105 MP Petaling Jaya) run between Feb and April, 2023 has also returned a result of 93.4% strongly against the project. Quoting a speech given by Dato’ Seri Amirudin at the Jelajah Harapan Selangor on 23 July, 2022, if PJD Link:- a) “has failed to rectify or correct the issues and complaints related to Kidex”, b) “is still following and is very similar to the Kidex proposal”, c) “masih menimbulkan masalah kepada penduduk”, d) “masih menimbulkan keresahan kepada penduduk”, e) “masih membawa masalah kepada penduduk”, and f) “is certainly rejected by and is against the will and harapan of the majority of PJ people”, then “the State government will not accept and will reject the development of PJD Link”. The people of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara reiterate that PJD Link is not only “still following and is very similar to the Kidex proposal”, it is actually far worse than Kidex. As Petaling Jaya gets even more densely built up over the intervening years, the elevated structures of PJD Link, apart from displacing homes and running very close to existing homes, offices and religious precincts that remain, are even taking away two acres of the grounds of an established school in Petaling Jaya to build a toll plaza. As conveyed in a Memorandum sent to the Menteri Besar on 8 March, 2023, the residents and stakeholders take the firm stance of strong and unanimous resistance against the elevated highway because it will cause irreparable damage to the environment, plunge values of properties, plus instead of helping to ease traffic within the city, will bring chaos and precipitate jammed traffic hotspots, especially at and near the ingress / egress ramps. As a matter of truth, despite many disingenuous claims made by the developer on their website and in the Press, PJD Link does not connect directly to many existing highways; instead the connections are designed to run via local roads, a most undesirable reversal of road hierarchy. And it certainly does not offer any direct connectivity at all to existing LRT / KTM stations. The Petaling Jaya and Kinrara people reiterate that we are far from being ‘appeased’, a condition stated by the Menteri Besar himself in his subsequent statement issued on 1 August, 2023. The people of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara demand that the Menteri Besar shall not approve the PJD Link highway by any measure in view of the objections of the majority, and under no circumstances should even consider any resubmissions by the developer owing to the fact that the problems and issues related to Kidex that led to its cancellation in February, 2015 were never resolved, and cannot possibly be resolved. By The Residents and Stakeholders of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara We wish to share this important announcement from Stakeholders cum Residents Against PJD Link (ScRAP):
Attention all Residents, Stakeholders and Members of The Press: Recent checks at PLANMalaysia Selangor have confirmed that PJD Link has made a resubmission of the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) report which was last found to have not met requirements. This led to the 31st July announcement by MB Selangor that the PJD Link highway project had been scrapped. On record, 83% of the respondents who attended the "Focused Group Discussions" conducted by the developer's consultants objected against the tolled highway. The PJ People's own survey (independant SIA) also showed 93% were strongly against this urban intrusion. The people of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara demand to know more from the state government and the developer , what is actually happening behind the scenes. Stakeholders cum Residents Against PJD Link (ScRAP), Persatuan Petaling Jaya Lestari (PPJL which now owns the platform and hosts the website of Say No To PJD Link), and Kinrara Residents Against PJD Link (KRAP) are co-organising a Press Conference for this purpose. Date: Saturday 25/11/2023 Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am Venue: Persatuan Penduduk 14/1 - 14/15, RA Cabin, Jalan 14/6, Sec 14, Petaling Jaya. We shall also utilise the opportunity to: 1. Update the latest status on the ongoing legal action taken by Residents of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara 2. Have a Q&A session. Your attendance will greatly help to uphold the People's voices of resistance against an unwanted life-disrupting massive urban infrastructure, plus maintain pressure on our governments to practice transparency and accountability. Thank you. ScRAP Highway c/o No 47A, Jalan SS2/30, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. David Yoong (Chairman). For enquiries email : [email protected] Will PJD Link resubmit their proposal for another similar highway? Attend this Zoom session to know more. Speaker: Chakra Thillainathan (Practicing Lawyer & Chairman Of The Sustainable PJ Association) Topic: PJD Link Legal Action Explained Time: Aug 20, 2023 | 8 PM Malaysia Time Paste the following link into your browser at the above time and date: https://zoom.us/j/98024889429?pwd=V3p4d1dFZFh3cDhldFNjM2FYVFZMUT09 Meeting ID: 980 2488 9429 Passcode: 434428 Alternatively, click here when the meeting starts. Please RSVP below by clicking on the link (if you are attending). We need to ensure the Zoom session can support the final number of attendees. We wish to record our appreciation towards the Selangor Chief Minister’s recent statement that the State Government has rejected the PJD Link project.
Unfortunately, there are subsequent news reports where the Chief Minister has suggested that the project would be revived if certain “requirements” are met. There is however no elaboration on what these “requirements” are. With such an unclear caveat, we are concerned that there will be another attempt to introduce another similar version of the PJD Link soon. In light of these developments, we set forth 3 demands to both the Federal & Selangor State Government: 1. Give A Firm Commitment NOT To Entertain Any Similar Proposed Highway Projects in Petaling Jaya In The Future The KIDEX & PJD Link saga indicates a tendency for developers to repackage & rebrand highways – which are substantially similar – under a different name. Whilst we recognize that Governments cannot categorically reject all infrastructure proposals for Petaling Jaya (and other parts of Klang Valley), they can give a commitment that any highway proposals which are similar in terms of alignment with KIDEX and PJD Link ought to be rejected from the outset. For PJD Link, despite the cancellation of KIDEX in 2015, the Federal Government gave an approval in principle (“kelulusan prinsip”) on 12.11.2017 for the PJD Link highway, subject to several conditions which were not disclosed to the public. Subsequently, on 3.9.2020, the Selangor State Government granted a policy approval (“kelulusan dasar”) for the PJD Link highway, subject to conditions which were again not made known to the public. On 5.4.2022, the developer then signed a Concession Agreement with the Federal Government, the terms which are shrouded in secrecy under the Official Secrets Act 1972 (“OSA”). All of these developments, which gave an impression that a mega highway was imminent, had triggered much anxiety and restlessness among the community. We have had no choice but to organize protests, surveys, townhalls and campaigns for the past 4 years to oppose the idea of the project, which has taken up substantial time, money and effort. The residents of Petaling Jaya do not wish to experience such an episode again. Now that it is clear that the overwhelming majority of residents do not wish for such a highway be built, both the Federal & State Governments should reject any similar proposals from the outset and not grant any “approvals” (be it conditional or otherwise), which would unnecessarily drag the community through such an ordeal again. 2. Immediately Declassify the Concession Agreement dated 5.4.2022 As An “Official Secret” Under the OSA Let this be clear: highway projects have nothing to do with national security, and should never be hidden from the public under the OSA. There must be full transparency on the terms agreed to by the developer and government, because it invariably involves taxpayers’ money and will impact the public. We have been clear from day one that the SayNoToPJDLink movement was not born to merely oppose PJD Link specifically, but is part of a larger battle to demand greater transparency & accountability in multi-billion public infrastructure projects which involve private developers. Otherwise, other similarly harmful mega-projects will continue to emerge in other forms and the people are forced to mobilise again and again. This cycle of secrecy, opacity & undisclosed public-private dealings must stop. 3. Immediately Disclose To The Public the EIA, TIA & SIA Reports, and the “Requirements” the Selangor State Government Has Imposed To Greenlight A Highway In Petaling Jaya The residents of Petaling Jaya deserve to know the contents of the EIA, TIA & SIA. If these reports indicate a negative implication of a mega highway like PJD Link on the environment, traffic and social lives of residents, then it is an important resource for us to assess any similar highway proposals in the same vicinity which may arise in the future. We also deserve to know the “requirements” set forth by the State Government to approve a highway project in Petaling Jaya, which the Selangor Chief Minister is referring to in news reports. What conditions and thresholds is he referring to? We need to know what yardsticks are used by the State Government, and assess whether they adequately protect public & environmental interests. Conclusion Unless these 3 demands are complied with by the Federal & Selangor State Government within 1 week from today, we will assume that:
Issued By: The SayNoToPJDLink Movement Chakaravarthi a/l Thillainathan Kum Koo Ji Saktiseelan a/l Shivasubramaniam Loke Yin Pong Source: Malay Mail
Tuesday, 01 Aug 2023 12:25 AM MYT SHAH ALAM, Aug 1 — The Petaling Jaya Dispersal Link (PJD Link) that Selangor cancelled yesterday might be revived if it could meet requirements and satisfy residents, caretaker mentri besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari conceded last night. However, he said the cancellation he announced earlier yesterday was final and not something that would be revisited after the state election on August 12. “For us, the people is our utmost priority and we do not wish to gamble with the people’s livelihood just for the sake of development. “However, at the same time, there is a necessity to further develop Petaling Jaya and to introduce a more effective traffic dispersal system, so we shall see again. “If they (developer) can fulfil the conditions set by the state and appease the people, we can continue ahead with it; however, at this very moment, they cannot do so because of certain unmet conditions,” he told reporters after launching the Pakatan Harapan-Barisan Nasional manifesto for Selangor here. The PJD Link was a proposal to build a 34.3km dual-carriage expressway with four lanes and eight interchanges/ramps as an alternative to the heavily-trafficked Lebuhraya-Damansara Puchong (LDP) to connect various fast-growing townships with Bandar Utama at one end and Bukit Jalil at the other end. The PJD Link was approved by the previous federal government under the prime ministership of Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob in April last year. It bore a striking resemblance to the controversial Kidex that was cancelled in 2015 by the Selangor government then under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) leadership of Datuk Seri Azmin Ali who has since joined Bersatu, a party that is today a component of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition. Azmin pulled the plug on Kidex in February 2015 because its developer did not produce relevant supporting studies for its proposal, namely an SIA, a traffic impact assessment (TIA), and an environmental impact assessment (EIA) besides failing to reveal the toll rates and full concession agreement. Amirudin said the PJD Link was approved in principle by the federal government on November 12, 2017 – then under Barisan Nasional control. He said the proposal was then submitted to the Selangor Economic Action Council on September 3, 2020 for a residential survey to be carried out in Petaling Jaya before it was presented to the federal government on November 12, 2021 and given a conditional approval. The condition meant that the developer would have to meet all the requirements set by the Selangor government before it can proceed with construction. Amirudin said that a concession agreement was signed between the PN federal government and the developer on April 5, 2022 for the construction company to conduct a full EIA, SIA, and TIA before the deal could be “activated”. An independent survey released in May showed that 93.6 per cent of residents living along the proposed alignment of the PJD Link disagreed with the project, as they believed that noise and air pollution from the proposed highway would be intolerable and that it would not reduce traffic congestion as promised either. Similarly, 93.6 per cent of the residents surveyed agreed that they and their families would be impacted by the project. A residents group calling itself Say No to PJD Link opposed to the proposed highway filed a lawsuit in June against the Director General of the Department of Town and Country Planning, the Selangor State Director of the Department of Town and Country Planning, the Selangor State Government and the Malaysian Government to obtain classified documents after claiming a lack of transparency in the conditional approval. Source: https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/453999
PETALING Jaya residents have started a crowdfunding campaign for a judicial review of the proposed Petaling Jaya Dispersal Link (PJD Link). They are looking to collect RM100,000 to fund their legal move to get the traffic, environmental, and social impact assessment – TIA, EIA, and SIA – reports on the PJD Link from the authorities. Sustainable PJ Association chairman Chakaravathi Thillainathan said their fundraising initiative started two weeks ago. “So far, we have collected RM12,000 and we will continue until we reach our target. “Our main aim is to look into the PJD Link project. We are in the midst of trying to acquire the documents through the judicial review,” he told The Malaysian Insight. It was reported on July 10 that the Kuala Lumpur High Court had granted four Petaling Jaya residents leave to pursue the disclosure of documents on the proposed PJD Link. The residents who filed their case on June 7 are commencing their judicial review to challenge the authorities’ refusal to hand over the project’s concession agreement and assessment reports. Chakaravathi said the next case management should be in early October. “Directions to fill the affidavits will be done in September. “We are seeking to get the documents from Plan Malaysia Selangor, Selangor government, and relevant agencies. “We want to study the documents and then file a fresh judicial review application in the event the project is approved.” He said they had received complaints from residents on developments mushrooming in Petaling Jaya. “We formed this association to take on the grouses of the people here. Residents can channel their issues to us.” As for the crowdfunding, he said their association needed funds for the judicial review and for other residential activities. “We want to organise talks and conduct activities on the importance of sustainability (for Petaling Jaya). “We will also connect with all the residents’ associations here to have a good network of people. “This is to support us in the event there are any future projects or proposals that are not suitable for Petaling Jaya. “We want to help the residents bring their issues through the right channels so that they will be heard.” In May, Petaling Jaya residents expressed opposition to the proposed PJD Link in an independent SIA survey. The survey showed that 93.6% of respondents living along the proposed alignment from Bandar Utama to Bandar Kinrara in Puchong objected to the project. Works Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi said the PJD Link concessionaire had yet to fulfil the conditions of the agreement. He said the project received approval in principle from the federal government and policy approval from the Selangor government on September 30, 2020 before the concession agreement was signed on April 5 last year. Caretaker Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari, however, said the state government has not given approval to the developers of PJD Link. Donate via saynotopjdlink.org July 26, 2023. Source: Malaysiakini
Author: Hidir Reduan Abdul Rashid Published: Jul 10, 2023 11:48 AM Updated: 2:20 PM Four Petaling Jaya residents today obtained civil court leave to commence judicial review over the authorities’ alleged refusal to hand over the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and other documents linked to the controversial proposed Petaling Jaya Dispersal Link (PJD Link) highway. The High Court in Kuala Lumpur allowed the judicial review leave application by the residents during proceedings conducted via an exchange of emails this morning. When contacted by Malaysiakini, the residents’ counsel Lim Wei Jiet confirmed the outcome of the legal action that seeks not only the project’s EIA report but also its Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) reports, as well as the project’s concession agreement, which is classified under the Official Secrets Act 1972. “(Judge) Amarjeet Singh Serjit Singh granted leave (for the four Petaling Jaya residents) to proceed with the application for judicial review,” Lim said. The lawyer explained that the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), which appeared for the government, objected to the leave application on several technical grounds, but that the civil court dismissed the objections. Lim added that the court has set July 24 for further case management of the judicial review. With leave granted, the court would later set a separate date to hear parties’ oral submissions on the merits of the legal action. When contacted by Malaysiakini, the AGC’s federal counsel M Kogilambigai also confirmed the outcome. No response to ultimatum On June 7, the four Petaling Jaya residents filed the legal action over the alleged refusal by the authorities to abide by a seven-day ultimatum to hand over the project’s documents. The present judicial review targets four respondents - the Town and Country Planning Department (PlanMalaysia) director-general, the director of PlanMalaysia Selangor, the Selangor state government, and the federal government. According to a copy of the affidavit in support of the legal action, Petaling Jaya resident T Chakaravarthi contended they were forced to resort to the judicial review leave application as the authorities failed to respond to the ultimatum. Chakaravarthi contended that as the residents would be directly and indirectly affected by the PJD Link project, they have a right to access the documents in order to obtain comprehensive and in-depth information on the scope, impact, and related terms of the project. The Petaling Jaya resident also contended, among others, they need to access the SIA report to ascertain the impact of the PJD Link project on the local community and their activities, taking into account factors such as whether the project was accepted by the community. Chakaravarthi claimed they also need to access the project’s concession agreement to allow residents and the general public to give their input on whether the terms are one-sided to the company involved in it, or whether the terms do not benefit the local community or environment. Lack of transparency The group previously launched an independent SIA report with the participation of 2,501 residents impacted by the proposed PJD Link highway alignment. The purpose of the survey stemmed from an alleged lack of transparency regarding the official SIA and to obtain the views of stakeholders in the PJD Link construction area. The online survey held from Feb 6 to May 1 this year concluded that 88.6 percent of respondents strongly disagreed with the PJD Link. Additionally, 93.6 percent of respondents stated they and their families will be impacted by this project. Damansara Kim resident Dominic Wong reportedly said the group’s independent SIA was submitted to PlanMalaysia Selangor and Putrajaya on May 12 for consideration. The group’s SIA was also submitted to the Department of Environment (DOE). The Works Ministry on July 5, 2022, stated that the cabinet had already approved, in principle, the PJD Link on Nov 12, 2017. The final approval is, however, subject to further negotiations. According to the statement, a concession agreement was signed on April 5 last year, which required the developer to fulfil the requirements of the EIA, SIA, and TIA before the agreement could take effect and construction begin. According to the PJD Link website, it will have a total of 11 interchanges spanning from Bandar Utama to the Bukit Jalil Highway, connecting with expressways such as the Federal Highway, Sprint, New Pantai Expressway, and Kesas Highway. On June 15 this year, Works Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi said there is no need to declassify the PJD Link concession agreement despite earlier urgings by three PKR MPs - Wong Chen (Subang), Lee Chean Chung (Petaling Jaya), and William Leong Jee Keen (Selayang) - for the government to consider the declassification. For the full article available on Malaysiakini, click here. On behalf of the organisers of the following letter, the team at saynotopjdlink.org is sharing the following letter: Tarikh : 12 Jun, 2023 Daripada : Persatuan-Persatuan Penduduk Petaling Jaya, Gabungan Rakyat-Rakyat Petaling Jaya dan Kinrara, Entiti Komersial Petaling Jaya, saynotopjdlink.org Team, SCRAP PJDL Highway Team. Kepada : Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Seri Anwar Inbrahim, Perdana Menteri Malaysia, YB Tuan Alexander Nanta Linggi, Minister of Works, YB Tuan Anthony Loke Siew Fook, Minister of Transport & MP Seremban. SK : YB Tuan William Leong, MP for Selayang, YB Tuan Wong Chen, MP for Puchong, YB Tuan Lee Chean Chung, MP for Petaling Jaya, YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, MP for Damansara, YB Tuan Mohamad bin Sabu, MP for Kota Raja. ENGLISH TEXT Re: Immediate Intervention on PJ Dispersal Link Highway Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri, We, the Residents of Petaling Jaya and Kinrara, request once again your urgent attention to this matter. We have strongly objected against the Kidex highway between 2013 and 2015. These resistance against a most disruptive and damaging tolled, elevated urban highway cutting across our mature Petaling Jaya city has continued with PJD Link highway since 2017, when it was renamed and revived. A recent People’s Poll Survey showed results of 93.6% of 2,501 respondents strongly disagreeing with the PJD Link project. Results are available at https://bit.ly/m/Independent-SIA?r+qr. In February 2015, one of the reasons for the Selangor government cancelling Kidex was the requirement for disclosure of all concession terms to the public, to ensure the best interests are served. The same requirement must apply now. It is therefore most disappointing to note the recent announcement at a Press Conference by YB Wong Chen, YB William Leong and YB Lee Chean Chung, that the concession terms for PJD Link are still shrouded in secrecy under OSA by your government. If a highway project is for public interests, then the public must have the right to review its technical design, impact studies reports, construction costs and concession terms. State Elections are on the line. The actions of the current Federal and Selangor State governments do not offer confidence to voters that they are in keeping with the principles of Malaysia Madani. The award of PJD Link to one private monopoly developer without open competitive tender by previous governments, and the continued engagements by your current government with that developer, does not conform to YAB’s declarations to improve procurement process, eradicate inefficient governance and bad practices, and boost foreign investors confidence. We, the people who co-signed this letter, urge YAB Perdana Menteri to act urgently to instruct YAB Menteri Besar Selangor and the Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Selangor to immediately withdraw all in-principle approvals given, and cancel the proposed PJ Dispersal Link highway project. Thank you. George Paul Raj, Chairman, Persatuan Penduduk 14/1 – 14/15, Seksyen 14, Petaling Jaya BAHASA TEXT Per: Mohon Campur Tangan Secara Serta Merta di Dalam Projek Lebuhraya PJ Dispersal Link (PJDL) Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri, Kami, Penduduk dan Pihak Berkepentingan di Petaling Jaya dan Kinrara, memohon sekali lagi perhatian YAB Perdana Menteri terhadap perkara Projek Lebuhraya PJD Link ini. Kami telah menentang dengan sekeras-kerasnya cadangan pembinaan Lebuhraya Kidex pada tahun 2013 sehingga 2015. Tentangan terhadap Lebuhraya bertingkat yang mengakibatkan gangguan dan kerosakan dan yang melintasi bandaraya Petaling Jaya yang matang ini diteruskan semula dengan cadangan Lebuhraya PJD Link sejak 2017, apabila KIDEX dibangkitkan semula dengan nama baru. Kaji Selidik Tinjauan Rakyat yang diadakan baru-baru ini telah menunjukkan keputusan 93.6% daripada 2,501 responden yang sangat tidak bersetuju dengan projek PJD Link ini. Keputusan boleh didapati di https://bit.ly/m/Independent-SIA?r+qr. Pada bulan Februari 2015, salah satu sebab kerajaan Selangor telah membatalkan Projek Kidex adalah keperluan untuk mendedahkan semua syarat konsesi kepada orang ramai, untuk memastikan kepentingan rakyat yang terbaik dilaksanakan. Keperluan yang sama mesti dikenakan sekarang. Oleh begitu, adalah amat mengecewakan dimana pengumuman baru-baru ini di Sidang Media oleh YB Wong Chen, YB William Leong dan YB Lee Chean Chung, bahawa syarat-syarat konsesi untuk PJD Link adalah masih diselubungi di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi (Official Secrets Act “OSA”) oleh kerajaan YAB Perdana Menteri. Jika projek lebuhraya ini adalah untuk kepentingan awam, maka orang ramai mesti berhak untuk menyemak reka bentuk teknikalnya, laporan kajian impak, kos pembinaan dan syarat-syarat konsesi. Pilihan Raya Negeri bakal berlangsung. Tindakan kerajaan Persekutuan dan Negeri Selangor sekarang tidak menawarkan sebarang keyakinan kepada pengundi bahawa mereka selaras dengan prinsip Malaysia Madani. Penganugerahan PJD Link kepada satu pemaju monopoli swasta tanpa tender kompetitif terbuka oleh kerajaan terdahulu, dan penglibatan berterusan oleh kerajaan YAB sekarang dengan pemaju, langsung tidak mematuhi pengisytiharan YAB untuk menambah baik proses perolehan, menghapuskan tadbir urus yang tidak cekap dan amalan buruk, dan meningkatkan keyakinan pelabur asing. Kami, yang sebulat suara menandatangani surat ini, mendesak YAB Perdana Menteri untuk mengambil tindakan segera dengan mengarahkan YAB Dato’ Menteri Besar Negeri Selangor dan Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Selangor (MTES) untuk menarik balik semua persetujuan secara prinsip yang telah diberikan dan membatalkan cadangan projek Lebuhraya PJ Dispersal Link dengan sertamerta. Sekian dengan ucapan terima kasih. Yang benar, George Paul Raj, Chairman, Persatuan Penduduk 14/1 – 14/15, Seksyen 14, Petaling Jaya Untuk dan bagi pihak: 1. Persatuan Penduduk BU1 Benaria Bandar Utama (PPM-006-10-22102015) 2. Persatuan Penduduk Presint BU6, Bandar Utama (PPM-006-10-05082013) 3. Persatuan Penduduk Bandar Utama 11 (Gembiria) (PPM-005-10-19022002) 4. Persatuan Penduduk BU11 Hatiria Bandar Utama (PPM-030-10-14092015) 5. Persatuan Permastautin Bandar Utama (Bahagian 12) (PPM-002-10-23021999) 6. Management Corporation, 10 Boulevard Petaling Jaya (SEL : 4976/12) (No Rujukan: PTG.SEL.51/3/1-PHN/5506) 7. Damansara Jaya Residents and Owners Association (DJROA) (5390/93) (Selangor) 8. Damansara Utama Residents and Owners Association (DUROA) Petaling Jaya (1988) (4645/89) 9. Persatuan Penduduk SS20 Zon Sentral (PPM-039-10-17062013) 10. Persatuan Penduduk SS20 Zon Utara (PPM-030-10-17072017) 11. Damansara Utama SS20 Petaling Jaya Residents Against PJD Link 12. Management Corporation, Five Stones Condominium, SS2 (SEL : 118/2018) 13. Joint Management Body, The Hub, SS2 (0413) 14. Management Corporation, Ameera Residences SS2 (SEL 52/2017) 15. Ken Damansara III Condominium Residents Against PJD Link 16. Tropicana Miyu Section 17 Buyers + Residents Against PJD Link 17. Jasmine Towers Residents Against PJD Link 18. Persatuan Penduduk Zon Sentral Seksyen 19 Petaling Jaya (PPM-007-10-05022020) 19. Section 17 Petaling Jaya Residents Against PJD Link 20. SS2 Petaling Jaya Residents Against PJD Link 21. Persatuan Penduduk 14/1 – 14/15, Seksyen 14, Petaling Jaya (PPM-006-10-21032013) 22. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Paramount, Petaling Jaya (TPRA) (PPM-039-10-01112012 / 0104-12-SEL) 23. Persatuan Penduduk Seksyen 22 Petaling Jaya (PPM-041-10-25042018) 24. Section 4 Petaling Jaya Residents Against PJD Link 25. Sec 51A Taman Medan Petaling Jaya Residents Against PJD Link 26. Section 2 Petaling Jaya Residents Against PJD Link 27. Persatuan Petaling Jaya Lestari (Sustainable PJ) (PPM-005-10-20032023) 28. Entiti Komersial Petaling Jaya (PJ Commercial Entities) 29. Pertubuhan Basikal Komuter Malaysia (PPM-003-10-13122022) 30. Kelab Sahabat Taman Aman, Petaling Jaya (3366-11-SEL) 31. Pertubuhan Alam Sekitar Sejahtera Malaysia (GRASS) (PPM-024-14-23102014) 32. Persatuan Penambahbaikan Transit Massa Malaysia (Transit Malaysia) (PPM-015-16-05102022) 33. Pertubuhan Pelindung Khazanah Alam (PPM-028-10-24022011) 34. Saynotopjdlink.org Team 35. SCRAP (Stakeholders cum Residents Against PJD Link) Highway Team Sebarang urusan surat-menyurat bolehlah dialamatkan kepada: Persatuan Penduduk 14/1 – 14/15, Seksyen 14, U.P. George Paul Raj (Chairman), 16, Jalan 14/2, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE. Emel: [email protected] HP: 019-2688077 ![]()
You are cordially invited to the following event: 9AM Press People’s Survey (Independent SIA) Press Conference 10AM Forum “Tolled Elevated Highways: Who Benefits?” Date: 20 May 2023 Place: Five Stones Condo Function Hall, Jalan SS2/72 Press Conference Details A group of Petaling Jaya and Puchong residents comprising professionals in engineering, urban design and information technology expertise and other professionals have carried out an independent social impact assessment (SIA) regarding the PJD Link. An impressive grand total of 2,501 respondents along the alignment of the proposed highway participated in this survey. The results and key highlights will be shared at the press conference. Forum: Tolled Elevated Highways: Who Benefits? After the press conference, a forum (organised by various residents) will commence at 10am wit the title “Tolled Elevated Highways: Who Benefits?”. This forum will feature experienced finance journalist Emmanuel Samarathisa and public transport researcher Aziff Azuddin to hear more about who really profits from highways such as the PJD Link. The description for the forum is as follows: The government has been approving a series of elevated highways cutting across the Klang Valley and disrupting the lives and bringing hardship to thousands of residents. But do these highways really benefit the public and who pays for them in the end? What would constructing these highways mean for any plans for an integrated public transport network? Join us for this intriguing event by registering below. Please see info on parking Important info on parking: There are more than 100 visitors parking inside the condo. After registering at the guardhouse just turn left and proceed to the end (see signage) to Lower ground 3 and park in any parking lot painted orange/pillars. There is no need to park at the roadside and risk being summoned by the authorities.
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